Who are we?

Leaders in Behavioural Intelligence For Smarter Security Risk Solutions

Our story

Established in 2010 and based in Pretoria, South Africa, Paradigm Alpha is now a leading risk analysis and intelligent solutions consultancy. 

Supported by the Nova Galaxy GeoSmart security software and technology, we use our vast network of specialists and honed expertise to neutralise potential risks. By understanding, anticipating and influencing adverse human behaviour.

Our modern methods have been proven to outwit and outperform even the most challenging adversaries. We provide actionable intervention strategies to all industries and business sectors across the African continent.

What we do

Paradigm Alpha delivers actionable (socio-psychological) insights for critical decision-making, enabling the ability to deal with complex problems and high-risk situations more effectively.

Complex problems and high-risk situations are driven by the “human element”, therefore understanding the socio-psychological and behavioural drivers of actors’ (individuals, groups and populations) are critical to anticipating and influencing adversarial situations.

Paradigm Alpha provides an innovative approach to Psycho-Social-Political Risk Intelligence Analysis and Intervention (Mitigation) Strategy Development.

We do this by utilising a unique Integrated Risk Intelligence Analytical & Intervention Framework, supported by technology and the Galaxy Decision-Support System.

Paradigm Alpha, offers comprehensive and integrated solutions, based on an “Integrated Insight-Driven Strategic and Behavioural Risk Analysis Approach” (Fusion-Intelligence), including Communication and Behavioural Intelligence and Profiling, for the understanding and mitigating of complex problems and situations, assisting in counteracting adversarial and mitigating challenging situations, and providing actionable influencing and or intervention advisory solutions across all regions, industries and sectors of the African continent. 

The ultimate objective

Today, organisations and their decision-makers face a highly complex risk landscape. The rapid rate of change, unexpected political and societal threats, increased volatility, uncertainly, and the intricacies of human behaviour, all contribute to the pressure on management strategists to respond appropriately. There is a considerable need for accurate situational intelligence and tactical solutions.

To address this need, Paradigm Alpha offers a highly specialised, holistic service to identify the internal or external risks of your business and its environmental influencers. We highlight the role players driving the threat and list the strengths and weaknesses of your opposition, intending to maximise business potential and minimise loss. 

We gather and correlate intelligence, equipping our clients with the foresight to plan, prevent and effectively manage challenging situations, all from a position of strength. With a focus on research and development, Paradigm Alpha strives to push the boundaries within the security risk and behavioural intelligence space.

Our goal is to establish a Behavioural & Communication Intelligence (BCI) training module for intelligence and security agencies. This transfer of skills will cover various behavioural change methods and communication techniques, ensuring successful interventions on a management level.

“While (hind)sight is about understanding the past, (in)sight is about understanding the present, (fore)sight is about understanding the future systematically.” 

TuomoKuosa, fromPractising Strategic Foresight In Government,2011

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